It isn’t easy, beginning again. And I will admit, especially doing so at this point in my life! When I was 30 I REALLY thought I would have it all figured out and my life in line at least by the time I was 35.
I have since learned that although many of us think this way, it takes a very long time for most of us to learn enough about ourselves to figure out much of anything. Instead, most often a path somehow continues to appear before us, wandering here and there, up and down. Sometimes it seems to disappear around corners we had never before suspected, depositing us in some unexpected places!
So, here I am. Sixty years plus and beginning again! Did I mention how scary it is?
But it’s also so VERY exciting, to have this opportunity to bring to life what has been gestating within for well over a decade. I have dreamt of being pregnant many, many times in the last decade, as I have tried to figure out how to do just what is in process now. And most of us know how exciting (and scary) that time of pregnancy usually is.
As terrifying as it has been at times, I also know this is exactly what I am meant to be doing right now. God has made that pretty clear. And so here I am, starting again.
Lilac Woods Spiritual Formation. Named for our farm, Lilac Woods. The name came about because when we started bottling our wine twelve years ago we needed a name for the label! We do indeed have many different kinds of lilac bushes here (as befits a native of Rochester, NY). I am also very proud of the little woods on our acreage which has risen out of what was once almost sterile, overworked farm fields.
This is, I hope, a name that engenders a sense of both mystery and welcome, beauty and possibilities. A name that draws one forward and onward, into growth and exploration and joy. A name well befitting the work of deepening and strengthening spiritual relationships.
My work as I move forward with Lilac Woods is as spiritual director, educator, companion, and writer. Spiritual Direction /Companionship offers a safe sanctuary in which to hear and give voice to the inner stirrings of wisdom and the Holy. The goal is to support the unique spiritual journey of every individual with hospitality and presence, as well as non-judgmental listening. Some people come to spiritual direction in crisis, some come because they are in the midst of decisions. But for many, they just sense that it is time to take this integral and necessary aspect of their whole person more seriously. In some often not understood way, they feel a tug toward the Divine. The Spiritual Companion “sits with” the client to explore those things that nurture his or her soul.
As an educator and spiritual formator, I will continue to offer opportunities for those interested in exploring spiritual and theological topics. These might include such things as scripture study, prayer, book studies, support groups, or examinations of various topics such as social justice or history. These may be from a Christian perspective, but will also be broader than that. I hope many of you will offer me ideas as to where your own interests lie!
And as a writer – perhaps a sequel to my Teilhard in America (Catholic University of America Press: 2018) will result, but who knows? For right now my goal is to continue to produce these blog posts.
New beginnings, new opportunities. I have learned the Divine constantly offers us these. My hope is that my own efforts are in tune both with what the Spirit asks of me, and where the world needs to go right now. Pray for this, please!
Best wishes, Sue!
Thanks, Sally!